We always discuss what to buy and what to wear but how about - how to look after some of those insanely expensive or pricey items that we buy. Our clothing live on us and in the wardrobe and just a few preparatory steps ensure that the pieces we spend so much on, look phenomenal each and every time we pull them out of the closet.
RULE #1: Always air out clothing after each wearing. Drape them gently over the back of a chair before hanging them up. Dry cleaning is great but not a solution for every stain or blemish that makes an appearance on your garments.
Dry cleaning actually shortens the life of clothing, as it tends to weaken fibers with harmful long-term effects. Many stains can actually be addressed using proven remedies that range from water and soap to dry cleaning products.To reduce the possibility of stains especially those of the underarm variety, invest in Garment Guard Disposable Underarm Shields 12 pairs, Standard Size, Beige
Invest in high quality hangers be they padded, fabric, wood or heavy guage plastic. They are perfect for preserving the shape or shoulders and preventing unsightly creases and droopy shoulders.
Avoid wire hangers, as they may rust and leave stains on fabrics, or even tear garments. Don't know your hanger size? The size of the hanger references the width when measured from shoulder tip to shoulder tip directly across the hanger.
Slacks or slacks should be hung from the cuff or hem, or placed on hangers with a horizontal bar that allows the garment to fold over without leaving a crease.
They should be folded, as this allows them to maintain their shape (Hangers are not so understanding). Fold them a little differently each time so they will not develop creases. Cashmere storage bags are perfect for folding your out of season sweaters.
Launder or dry clean before storage, as this will ensure that there are no residues of food on the garment that may attract moth larvae. The storage area should be clean, well ventilated and away from sunlight. Read our moth busting hints.
Ideally, an acid-free tissue paper like Adorama Acid Free Print Cover Tissue, 13" x 19", Pack of 100 Sheets should be placed between folded items to preserve their good looks. (Check with your local Staples for acid free paper).
Woolen clothing should go into a cedar trunk or chest like Antique Finish Trunk Style Storage Cedar Chest that is sealed and lined with a well-laundered white sheet. Other clothing can be stored in lightweight plastic boxes that have vents and are waterproof.
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Did you think we were going to forget about our shoes? Not on your life. Shoe trees, remember them? They are and have always been a practical investment. They kinda just went out of style, like polishing ones shoes.
The average foot perspires a pint of moisture per day. This moisture stays within the linings thus deteriorating the shoe. The moisture also magnifies the internal temperature of the shoe thus creating potential discomfort. Full cedar shoe trees absorb damaging moisture from the linings of shoes thus increasing the life of your shoes and making them more comfortable to wear.
Our own Shoe puffs (at right) are also an excellent way to keep the shape of your shoes. They have been designed to maintain the toe shape of mules and strappy sandals. They are filled with special pot pourri, and not only do they keep the shape of the toe, they smell fragrant too!
While travelling, also keep your shoes in bags for their protection.
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